
Research and Education
Launched as a joint effort between the Division of Research and the Office of the Provost, the HPE Data Science Institute is built on the dual pillars of research and education. Education at HPE DSI covers everything from intensive graduate programming to K-12 outreach.
Academic Programs
Along with the Data Science Minor for undergraduate students and a certificate program for graduate students in engineering, several colleges at UH house programs that engage with data science.

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HPC Certificate
Graduate students at UH are eligibile to complete a program of specialized coursework to qualify for the Certificate in High Performance Computing.

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HPE DSI Tutorials and Courses
HPE DSI offers free courses for the UH community held in fall, spring, and summer sessions.

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The HPE DSI's Engaged Data Science initiative develops educational programs for K-12 students through the community science educator (CSE) initiative and Project Engagement Encouraging Rising Students (PEERS).