Consulting and Technical Support
High-performance computers have grown increasingly complex over the past few decades, creating a high barrier to entry for many researchers. The HPE DSI help desk is available Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. to help bridge this barrier. Users can open a ticket to request help on issues like accessing the clusters, report problems, software installation, and requesting consultation and track progress of the ticket.
Access Issues
Users can report access issues for instance login access, file and other specific cluster resource access or problems, as well as request help accessing these resources.
Request Software Install
Users may request non-commercial high performance computing software that is still actively maintained to be installed on cluster if not already present. The requested software release or version should be a stable release and not an alpha or pre-production version. Commercial software where the principal investigator has appropriate research use license may also be requested. Software requests are handled on a case by case basis.
Request Consulting
Users can request basic or limited support in the areas of scripting, code porting, optimization and parallelization to take advantage of hardware resources. Users interested in advanced support or consultation in specialized computational domain areas for extended periods of time can contact the HPE DSI leadership team to arrange for a formal collaboration. These extended support requests are handled on a case by case basis.
Users may also want to consult HPE DSI's online User Guide. Our office is in Suite 205 on the second floor of the Durga D. and Sushila Agrawal Engineering Research Building. The space was opened to the public at the beginning of 2017 to offer in-person consultation and support to researchers.