CEO Discusses 'Real-Time Well Data Analysis in the Cloud'

The Society of High Performance Computing Professionals and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Data Science Institute cooperatively presented an online seminar entitled, "Real-time Well Data Analysis in the Cloud."
Sashi Gunturu, CEO and founder of Petrabytes Corp., discussed the significance of real-time well data analysis in HPE Data Science Institute’s Seminar Series. He highlighted the relations of offset wells, cohesion, and how a pre-drill model is assembled, revealing the various differences between basins and noting how they require distinctive models and geologies. He described disparate concerns pertaining to digitalization in our society.
"Reduction of operating costs is the number one concern for oilfield digitalization, due to the oil price crisis currently seen," said Gunturu.
Gunturu explained the importance of using subsurface engineering, 3D visualization and how it can deliver near real-time (NRT) effects. He also discussed how to work with the structure by using cloud resources, edge computing and data science to achieve successful results.
"The cloud is all about streamlining and more importantly, automating data," he said.
Overall, Gunturu’s ongoing discoveries provide specific techniques to integrate with data analytics to ensure excellence in the field of energy and data science.