HPE DSI Connects UH Talent to Industry Opportunities

In a strategic collaboration connecting academia and industry expertise, the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Data Science Institute partnered with University Career Services to host a day-long AI Industry Symposium and Career Mixer at the University of Houston. The event, held on March 1, brought together scholars and professionals from diverse industry sectors.
Claudia Neuhauser, director of the HPE DSI, opened the event with a brief introduction of the institute and set the tone for a day of rich discussions. After the welcome, sector experts gave presentations on AI in research, technological advancements, and industry practices, covering oil and gas, energy, supply chain management and other areas.
The symposium concluded with a panel on career success in AI-dominated industries, featuring speakers from Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Shell, ConocoPhillips, Patterson-UTI, Chevron, Humana and Metegrity.
The career mixer that followed gave young professionals the opportunity to interact with representatives from ten leading organizations in the field. Recruiters shared insights on career paths and industry demands, outlining potential future collaborations.
Nearly 100 students, alumni, and members of the UH community attended the event. “It shows that we are meeting the interests of our young researchers and providing them with real-world connections to fruitful career paths,” Neuhauser said.
This event is expected to shape the trajectory of programming, as Neuhauser hopes it will serve as a model for further integration of research, teaching, and career development at the University.